As a pre-teen, I attended a few Circuit Assemblies at this Jewish Synagogue sold to the WT in 70's . So I guess the Rothschild family Jewish community and the Watchtower have a long-standing business partnership.
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
Watchtower Real Estate Fire Sale = Comfort for the Jews?
by Calebs Airplane inhas anyone noticed that all the watchtower buildings in brooklyn are (so far) being sold to real estate investment companies owned and operated by orthodox jews?
seriously, i couldnt identify one single watchtower building in brooklyn that went to a non-jewish real estate firm.. is the rothschild family finally cashing in on the initial investment they made in the watchtower at the end of the 19th century?
i have to wonder if they foresee a collapse or mass exodus in the near future and want to cash in their chips before these lose any more value..
Conti v Watchtower - Court Denies Watchtower Motion re: Substituting Bond - November 16 court documents in pdf
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the latest court documents, in pdf, relating to "candace conti v the watchtower bible and tract society of new york" as filed on november 16, 2012.. the watchtower society motion to substitute or reduce bond on appeal is denied..
Watchtower Real Estate Fire Sale = Comfort for the Jews?
by Calebs Airplane inhas anyone noticed that all the watchtower buildings in brooklyn are (so far) being sold to real estate investment companies owned and operated by orthodox jews?
seriously, i couldnt identify one single watchtower building in brooklyn that went to a non-jewish real estate firm.. is the rothschild family finally cashing in on the initial investment they made in the watchtower at the end of the 19th century?
i have to wonder if they foresee a collapse or mass exodus in the near future and want to cash in their chips before these lose any more value..
Calebs Airplane
tru_jw... wtf does that have to do with this thread???
Watchtower Real Estate Fire Sale = Comfort for the Jews?
by Calebs Airplane inhas anyone noticed that all the watchtower buildings in brooklyn are (so far) being sold to real estate investment companies owned and operated by orthodox jews?
seriously, i couldnt identify one single watchtower building in brooklyn that went to a non-jewish real estate firm.. is the rothschild family finally cashing in on the initial investment they made in the watchtower at the end of the 19th century?
i have to wonder if they foresee a collapse or mass exodus in the near future and want to cash in their chips before these lose any more value..
Calebs Airplane
Phizzy... good question... Also, interesting point you make about the very low prices (albeit the current market conditions)..
For example…
360 Furman St, sold to Robert Levine of Jewish-owned RAL Companies & Associates in 2004 for $205 million
89 Hicks St, sold to Jewish-owned Brooklyn Law School in 2006 for $14 million for student housing.
67 Livingston St, sold to a private Jewish investor in 2006 for $18.6 million.
Standish Arms Hotel, 169 Columbia Heights, sold to Jewish-owned Taurus Investment Holdings in 2007 for $50 million.
67 Remsen St, sold to private investor for $3.25 million. Deal was brokered by Jewish-owned Eastern Consolidated Real Estate Investment Services.
50 Orange St, sold to Jewish-owned Sugar Hill Capital Partners in December 2011 for $7.1 million.
183 Columbia Heights, sold to undisclosed investors in April 2012 for $6.6 million but the deal was brokered by Jewish Real Estate firm Massey Knakal.
161 Columbia Heights, sold to undisclosed investors in March 2012 for $3 million but the deal was brokered by Massey Knakal Realty Services.
165 Columbia Heights, sold to private investor January 2012 for $4.1 million. Brokered by Massey Knakal.
Bossert Hotel, 98 Montague St, recently sold to Jewish-owned Rosewood Realty Group for $81 million.
Watchtower Real Estate Fire Sale = Comfort for the Jews?
by Calebs Airplane inhas anyone noticed that all the watchtower buildings in brooklyn are (so far) being sold to real estate investment companies owned and operated by orthodox jews?
seriously, i couldnt identify one single watchtower building in brooklyn that went to a non-jewish real estate firm.. is the rothschild family finally cashing in on the initial investment they made in the watchtower at the end of the 19th century?
i have to wonder if they foresee a collapse or mass exodus in the near future and want to cash in their chips before these lose any more value..
Calebs Airplane
Has anyone noticed that all the Watchtower buildings in Brooklyn are (so far) being sold to real estate investment companies owned and operated by Orthodox Jews? Seriously, I couldn’t identify one single Watchtower building in Brooklyn that went to a non-Jewish real estate firm.
Is the Rothschild family finally cashing in on the initial investment they made in the Watchtower at the end of the 19 th century? I have to wonder if they foresee a collapse or mass exodus in the near future and want to cash in their chips before these lose any more value.
DO: what to do by doubts
by Gorbatchov inthe do told us at the recent district assembly @ the netherlands, that if you have doubts about jw doctrine, you have to remain a strong connection with jehovah god, because "you are dedicated to jehovah and not to an organisation".. later on a very old brother was interviewed and he gave the counsel "keep your doubts about doctrine in a refrigiator, just wait and see".
the do asked him "how many refrigiators do you have?
the brother told him "i have 3 refrigiators full".
Calebs Airplane
When you put something in a refrigerator, it generally means you have an expectation of using it at a later time. Otherwise, you would probably burn it or throw it in the trash bin.
Another stupid analogy in the WT's long list of idiotic "illustrations"... this even tops the intravenus alcohol analogy they like to use to explain their flawed blood doctrine...
Elders' Manual - Prior to "Flock" Book
by StandFirm inthe watch tower publications index under "watch tower publications" under the "books" subheading mentions the following elders' manuals prior to the 1991 "flock" book.
1960: kingdom ministry school course.
1972: kingdom ministry school course (revised).
Calebs Airplane
Judicial Commitee booklets from the 60's? Who knew?
I wonder if they still have those now...
Analysis of anti-607 BCE Rebuttals
by Ethos ini agreed yesterday to engage in the '607' topic.
i've read numerous threads and am well aware that this topic has been addressed and dissected quite thoroughly.
therefore, if you are uninterested in participating, that's fine.
Calebs Airplane
JWFacts... I was refutting Ethos conjecture that the "servitude" lasted all the way to 537 because the "king" need not be "alive" for the 70 years of servitude to run from 607 to 537.
But, Jeremiah 25:11 is clear... they would have to serve the KING... not an abstract temporary government that may or may not have existed after 539...
Where does all the JW money go?
by LouBelle ini want to know.. does every kingdom hall, bethel and assembly hall belong to the watchtower, bible & tract society?.
each of those kingdom halls, bethels etc are built with the money obtained by that country's contributions.
if a loan is needed the bothers of that specific congregation pay off the loan.. the society has then an extremely huge amount of property worth billions of $$$$ who has control of all those funds?
Calebs Airplane
one of my co-workers attends an evangelical church and I recently probed him on the money trail at his church... he was able to state the actual amounts and percentages of the contributions that are used for feeding the homeless, maintaining the church, running several youth programs, caring for the elderly in the congregation, missionary work, etc.. I was completely baffled because the members of this church are all working class... not wealthy by any means... So I asked him if they ever make any announcements from the platform about having a "deficit" (as they often do in the KH and assemblies worldwide). He said: "No way. Everyone contributes generously because they see where the money is going."
Analysis of anti-607 BCE Rebuttals
by Ethos ini agreed yesterday to engage in the '607' topic.
i've read numerous threads and am well aware that this topic has been addressed and dissected quite thoroughly.
therefore, if you are uninterested in participating, that's fine.
Calebs Airplane
... these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years- Jeremiah 25:11
Nabonidus and Belshezzar killed in 539... 609-539=70
end of story...
(you don't get to make any conjectures here... )